Manage Impulsivity

This photo shows the front of my current home, which my wife has so gracefully transformed into a nice garden. Instead of being overrun with weeds, the space is organized and pleasing to the eye. Without all the effort and planning she put into managing this area, we would have a front yard that looked like everyone else's. In addition, she has had to maintain the yard, periodically, so that it continues to look fresh and cultivated. Whenever weeds pop up, she promptly pulls them up by the root. Whenever the mulch begins to thin out, she puts down another layer. Her detailed attention to our yard is a great example of “managing impulsivity” to me. She could easily procrastinate every time she saw a task that needed to be done in the yard; instead, she takes care of problems as they arise because she is sticking to her overall goal: to have a nice and attractive yard. This goal is especially important these days because we are trying to sell our house. Nearly everyday, couples walk by or drive by and see the “For Sale” sign stuck right in the middle of a nice garden. I think our yard makes a good first impression, and I have Rachel’s diligence to thank for it.